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glad there is a gallery unlock cause this game hard af lmao


decent game. 1st run took me 1:09:06, 2nd 00:02:53. sub 2 should be possible, might try it some time.

In 00:02:53, you were really fast, thanks for playing!

Hello, how are you? Do you think you can pass me the game? My gmail is Please can you pass me the game? I would really appreciate it.

I suck at jump king and I've been playing for 5 days. can I just get the animations because at this point the game went from fun to a chore.

I released new builds with the gallery unlocked, download the file 'Tower Dragon Unlock'.

Deleted 84 days ago

Did you download the new version? Your current version might have a bug in the knight's jump, and the new version also features a bar that measures the jump force for better calculations when jumping.


I have already finished the game. Excellent difficulty but with an excellent reward. I hope that others players can take the time to master the game, since the scenes it includes are very worth it. Thank you very much for this great game. I hope to continue seeing works like this or the previous games. 

Thank you very much for playing and enjoying it, I'm very happy :D. You finished the game in a good time.


Honestly besides me being bad and this game being really hard i think the most annoying part is the fact that from anywhere in the game you make that one mistake and it puts you back to the beginning but besides that I am having a blast

Impossible to finish it im at 2 hours time and im very mad not to make it waste of money 

I apologize for the inconvenience. I've just released a new build of the game for Windows, and I believe the bug has been resolved. I've also added a new option in the game where you can enable a bar to measure the jump. Could you please download it again and test this new build? Thank you very much.

has anyone actually beat this? jumps seem to be completely uncontrollable the lightest touch of the space bar sends me flying and holding it down does not have any affect 


I apologize for the inconvenience. I've just released a new build of the game for Windows, and I believe the bug has been resolved. I've also added a new option in the game where you can enable a bar to measure the jump. Could you please download it again and test this new build? Thank you very much.


thank you so much better haha


congrats if you beat this i sure as hell cannot even on M&K

I apologize for the inconvenience. I've just released a new build of the game for Windows, and I believe the bug has been resolved. I've also added a new option in the game where you can enable a bar to measure the jump. Could you please download it again and test this new build? Thank you very much.

Dude on android this is impossible to time the jumps right also im not great at these games but ive gone up like 6 to 7 levels how many more till i even beat it ma


Even getting used to it can be tough, if you manage to reach the top, share your time here. Hehe, I'm curious.

Were you also experiencing issues with jump pressure, where the player would perform a maximum jump with just a light tap on the screen? If so, I apologize; this issue has been fixed. Additionally, I've added a bar to measure jump pressure for easier gameplay.

Can there be a futa option?

At the moment, no. I'm sorry.